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"Love has fireworks" recently, Guan Xuan Tan Jianji Wang Churan romantically interpreted urban love fireworks.

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Recently, the urban emotional drama "Love has fireworks" released the first notice, "Heart full House" version of the poster, official announcement. The play is...

Recently, the urban emotional drama "Love has fireworks" released the first notice, "Heart full House" version of the poster, official announcement. The play is adapted from the Jinjiang Literature City novel Investment Bank Men and Women (formerly known as We live together). The original work: Hongjiu, directed by Shi Chengye, screenwriter Liu Yi, Qin Ye, Tan Jianji, Wang Churan starred, Li Naiwen specially invited to star, Zhang Haowei, Jiang Xieyao, Zheng Jing starred, Liu Ruilin starred, Yang Tongshu specially starred, Ye Mengyue and Shao Weitong co-starred.

"Love with fireworks" focuses on the work and life of urban young people in the context of investment banking, and mainly tells the story of investment banking elite Li Yifei (Tan Jianji) living as a tenant in the house of an investment banking practitioner and "Shanghai drifting" Qian Fei (Wang Churan). Start a romantic and joyful sharing life.

focus on urban life from the perspective of investment banking

Tan Jian Ji Wang Churan starts the sharing trip

Tan Jianji, who has performed brilliantly in a number of film and television dramas, plays Li Yifei in "Love with fireworks". In the play, he is ostensibly Qian Fei's "tenant", an investment banking elite who has made a breakthrough in the industry with beautiful performance, but in fact he is an invisible tycoon. Qian Fei, played by Wang Churan, is a floating worker in Shanghai. After suffering from lovelorn and career double blows, she has to hire new roommates to reduce the pressure on her loan repayment.

In the first notice, Wang Churan said, "Li Yifei, why are you here?" opened the prelude to the quarrel and interesting interaction between the two. In the subsequent rent-sharing life, Li Yifei's "rookie" side of life gradually emerged, and Qian Fei's careful and frugal lifestyle made it difficult for Li Yifei, who was used to pampering, to accept. Because of their different personalities, experiences and concepts, they have differences and frictions on many details of life, and the daily sharing of chickens and dogs is full of jokes, which are very funny. Li Yifei and Qian Fei get to know each other in the process of getting along, run-in with each other in the conflict, and gradually discover the bright spot on each other's body. Finally, the roommate becomes a couple, harvesting a true and pure relationship.

The simultaneous release of the "Heart full House" poster shows Tan Jianji and Wang Churan standing in front of the room with coffee in hand, their faces brimming with joy and happiness, and a strong sense of story. it seems to foretell the coming of a romantic and warm "sharing" story.

Multi-element shaping of urban youth images

vividly show the growth and metamorphosis of characters

In addition to Tan Jianji and Wang Churan, the play also brings together a group of young and middle-aged actors: Li Qiansheng (Li Naiwen), as Li Yifei's father, is wise and sober, modest and low-key, not only pursuing excellence, but also strict with his son. Wang Ruohai (Zhang Haowei), as a member of "Shanghai drifting" who has worked in Shanghai since he was a small city, is eager to get ahead. Yao Jingjing (Jiang Xianyao) is decisive, frank and direct, and is the representative of women in the workplace. Dang Yu (Zheng Jing) is a typical slash youth who dares to try anything he is interested in. Juncheng (Liu Ruilin) does his job step by step, but also has a lot of crazy ideas. The joys and sorrows of these people in their respective lives project pain points that can resonate with people's emotions. I believe that after the show is broadcast, it will resonate with the audience.

"Love has fireworks" revolves around the urban young people represented by Li Yifei and Qian Fei, depicts their transformation and growth in the face of the predicament of work, life and love, and to a certain extent reflects the real state of young people at present. it has strong practical significance.

It is reported that the play is currently being filmed and will meet with the audience in Tencent Video in the future.

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