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"Atypical" war movie "American Civil War" officially released War reporters 'unique perspective presents war and humanity

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The "atypical" war movie "American Civil War" was officially released today, and the "smoke of gunpowder" version of the release day theme poster was...

The "atypical" war movie "American Civil War" was officially released today, and the "smoke of gunpowder" version of the release day theme poster was released. The poster is based on the extension of the film itself. On the poster, the Statue of Liberty, Giant Ball Square and other American landmarks are shrouded in the smoke of war, and several helicopters fly over the sky, against the distant sunset. In the film, the war is about to completely destroy the prosperity of the past. The American Civil War, written and directed by Alex Garland and co-starring Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Mara, Stephen Henderson and Carly Spainey, tells the story of the outbreak of a full-scale civil war in the United States in the near future. Several war reporters tried to cross the battlefield and went to Washington to conduct a first-hand interview with the president. Once the film has been released overseas, it has sparked a heated debate, grossing more than $100 million at the global box office, and now that it is officially released, it is bound to bring an unprecedented movie experience to more audiences.

the war movie "different" with super shock and high emotional concentration

The American Civil War breaks the established mode of traditional war films, and the background of the near future war shades the whole work with a layer of science fiction. At the same time, it is refreshing with its original narrative perspective and unique image style. The film not only peeps into the whole war from the perspective of war reporters, but also from the perspective of women. Through what the protagonist Li sees and feels, the film shows the thrilling and cruelty of the battlefield, and deeply discusses the relationship between war and human nature. The unique aesthetic style and theme connotation of the film moved the audiences who had seen the film, and praised it as "the war film with the highest emotional concentration". "the characters in the story are completely integrated into the environment of the war. The film shows their human choices and inner conflicts very delicate and profound, and the emotional concentration is very high. After reading it, I feel that the whole person has been sublimated."

And this kind of connotation height, under the blessing of the DJI Ronin 4D main camera made in Xinjiang, China, presents an immersive audio-visual effect. The smoke of gunpowder rose everywhere in the city, countless vehicles were blown up on the road, and the shocking and near-real scene was close to the heart, which seemed to make people smell the lingering smell of gunpowder in the air through the picture. Director Alex Garland deliberately gave up live sound effects and replaced it with melodious country music in the hellish war scene of numerous wars and guns, and the opposition between sound and painting formed a very strong emotional appeal. No wonder the audience praised "the American Civil War" as "a work made for the cinema". Its audio-visual impact is like experiencing the battlefield, and it will be hard to forget for a long time. "the effect of the big screen is immersive. Sitting in the cinema is like really going to the battlefield, with a hail of bullets passing by. It's so shocking!"

*set Cannes after the movie star has a strong stamina "worth brushing twice"**

Actor Jesse Plemons won the best actor award at the 77th Cannes International Film Festival, which ended not long ago. His wife, Kirsten Dunst, who plays the leading actress Lee in the American Civil War, is the winner of the Best Actress Award at the 64th Cannes Film Festival. At this point, the film "American Civil War" brings together a Cannes film queen couple, and the two actors also contribute their acting skills at the "god" level in the film. Kirsten Dunst, who is well known to the audience for Spider-Man Girl, this time, with a life-like performance, she interpreted the tenacity and dullness of professional attributes and the soft contradictions in the depths of human nature as a war reporter, and the characters' arc light was constantly enriched in the plot, which moved the audience. Although Jesse Plemons plays a small part in the soldier, he has a strong sense of existence, and the relaxed indifference of the actor makes the image of a serpent and beast killing people so frightening to the audience.

In English, the verb to pull the camera shutter and the gun trigger is "shoot". Pressing the trigger may kill the person in front of you, so pressing the shutter to record the moments in the war will cause more deaths, or is it possible to save more people? Behind the delicate details, "the American Civil War" throws memorable propositions to the audience one after another, so some viewers sigh with emotion: "the American Civil War is the kind of film that will not be calm for a long time after watching it. You can directly see the cruelty of the war, so the strongest feeling is still hope for world peace, but also glad to live in peace. The stamina is really so great that people can't help but want to brush it again. "

The American Civil War is produced by American A24 Pictures, written and directed by Alex Garland, starring Kirsten Dunst (Kirsten Dunst), Wagner Mara (Wagner Moura), Stephen Henderson (Stephen McKinley Henderson) and Carly Spini (Cailee Spaeny), imported by China Film Group, issued and translated by China Film Co., Ltd. Shanghai Huahua Culture Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Alibaba Film Culture Co., Ltd. to help promote, is now in the national hit.

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