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The special "octagonal Cage" focusing on Multi-dimensional points "is a Grass Root and a Big Tree" touches people's hearts

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Director Wang Baoqiang's new film "octagonal Cage" was released across the country today. as a realistic work, the film gained good reviews by virtue of true stories, mov...

Director Wang Baoqiang's new film "octagonal Cage" was released across the country today. as a realistic work, the film gained good reviews by virtue of true stories, moving emotions and sincere creation, and led the box office to exceed 400 million. It has become another masterpiece in this year's hot summer vacation. Today's special "is the Grass Root is also a Big Tree" reveals the daily life of Wang Baoqiang and the ordinary actors and actresses in the film, and it really touches people's hearts. Star anise Cage is directed and starred by Wang Baoqiang, starring Chen Yongsheng and Shi Pengyuan, starring Wang Xun and Zhang Xun, Xiao Yang, Liu Hua, Li Yang, Li Chen and Li Meng.

The most sincere, affectionate, righteous and powerful director Wang Baoqiang has a lot to see in his new film.

On July 6, the real-life film "octagonal Cage", based on real events, ushered in its official release day, adding another "seed player" to the summer vacation with a rich viewing atmosphere. The film tells the audience a moving story like "born like weeds, indomitable". The inspirational life of Xiang Tenghui and the children of Dashan will become the most powerful and hopeful screen chapter this summer.

As early as before the national official release, the film successively held activities such as the advance viewing ceremony in Shanghai, the Beijing premiere ceremony, the national screening and the national road show, and gained a lot of true reputation of wandering heart and emotion, whether it was the students in the graduation season or the middle-aged audience. they are all moved by the spirit and emotion shown by the film, and the multi-dimensional affirmation of the film must be seen, and gathered into the "octagonal cage" three major attractions.

Point one, the true story. After years of preparation and development by director Wang Baoqiang, the film is based on the real events of Embo fighting, recreating the struggle and tenacity of ordinary people when they face the difficulties of life and unfair fate. "Truth" is not only one of the most important parts of realistic films, but also enriches the audience's viewability and credibility, as Wang Baoqiang said: "this story can not be false, the audience must believe." The audience can believe it because it is true! "

Point two, touching emotion. Although the main line of the film focuses on finding a way out for Teng Hui and the children, it also shows the feelings of a large number of ordinary people snuggling up to each other and going in both directions. In the film, the children are like falling stones, and sinking is their fate, but Xiang Teng-hui teaches them not to accept their fate and finds a new way out for them. Xiang Teng-hui and the children have gradually become dependent families in their daily life. Xiang Teng-hui's feelings with his children as well as teachers and friends, such as father and son, make people feel "deep and profound"; the Brotherhood between carelessness and Su Mu is both sacrificed and waiting; the elder sister's upbringing of his brother and the mutual support of Wang Feng and Xiang Teng-hui all touched the tears of the audience, leaving messages "crying to the head ache" and "hitting my tears" one after another. [] ()

Point three, sincere creation. Wang Baoqiang said bluntly, "I treat this film like my own life. I can't joke about my own life." With the promise of "returning a good film to the audience" six years ago, the director turned down a large number of work invitations and devoted himself to script development and creation. and sincerely invited industry leaders such as photography director Luo Pan, art director Sun Li, modeling director Wu Lilu to escort "star anise cage", just to show the audience a film full of power and resonance. Achieve their own "respect for the film, respect for the audience" goals and aspirations.

At that time, the grass root finally became a big tree. Wang Baoqiang's relationship with the children was too poignant.

The special "is a Grass Root is also a Big Tree" released today reveals the delicate daily life of Wang Baoqiang working with ordinary children on the set. Choosing this group of children to act in their own film is regarded by Wang Baoqiang as the top priority of the success of the film. The director lamented in the special: "the most difficult thing for me to choose at that time was these children. I really found them from the mountains." One by one, one by one. " When he first met these children, Wang Baoqiang described them as "a blank piece of paper", particularly innocent. Action director Zhuang Yuanzhang also said affectionately, "the children selected by the director are all reluctant to finish filming after I have been filming." With their attitude, their seriousness and commitment, many adult actors may not necessarily do so. "

The director's careful care and dedication also got feedback from the children. In the crew interview, the children expressed their love for Wang Baoqiang because the director chose them to act in the film. Wang Baoqiang's heart was also touched by the true feelings of the children: "in fact, we are all born as bitter children, and we all have empathy and commonality." Because you have experienced it, you know very well what it was like when you were an actor for the first time. " As the audience commented: "it is precisely because Baoqiang himself has been exposed to the rain that he knows to hold an umbrella for others." Wang Baoqiang, the grassroots at that time, has now grown into a big tree, "shelter from the wind and rain" for these children, and find a way out for them. "born like a weed, indomitable." I hope that "star anise cage" can send strength to more people and comfort the exciting life of finding a way out.

The film "octagonal Cage" is produced by Beijing Le Hua Film Co., Ltd., Tumushuke Sunflower Film Co., Ltd., Tianjin Maoyan Weiying Culture Media Co., Ltd., and Wuxi Baotang Film Co., Ltd. Beijing Yitong Legend Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Guangming Vision (Shenzhen) Film Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Haohao Film Co., Ltd., Emei Film Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Yuanqi Entertainment Culture Co., Ltd., Beijing Intercontinental Brothers Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Beijing Weimengchuangke Network Technology Co., Ltd. The film is popular all over the country, and the summer vacation breaks out together!

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