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Tron: God of War Announces filming of Electronic World War II

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![Tron: God of War] (https://k.sinaimg.cn/n/ent/27/w1080h1347/20240125/c663-cc1fc08c62ddee356862f0654e3d703a.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg?by=cms_fixed_width) Tron: the God of War According...

![Tron: God of War] (https://k.sinaimg.cn/n/ent/27/w1080h1347/20240125/c663-cc1fc08c62ddee356862f0654e3d703a.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg?by=cms_fixed_width)

Tron: the God of War

According to foreign media reports, the new series of science fiction film "Tron: war" has announced the start of filming. Jared Leto, Ivan Peters, Greta Lee, Judy Turner-Smith, Cameron Monaghan, Gillian Anderson.

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