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The poster of Yong'an Town Tales with tearful eyes intertwined with fate shows all kinds of things in the world.

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Directed by Wei Shujun, written by Kang Chunlei and Wei Shujun, and starring Yang Zishan, Huang Miyi, Liu Yang and Kang Chunlei, the film "Tales of Yongan Town" released...

Directed by Wei Shujun, written by Kang Chunlei and Wei Shujun, and starring Yang Zishan, Huang Miyi, Liu Yang and Kang Chunlei, the film "Tales of Yongan Town" released the poster of "tearful eyes". It reveals the tragic background of the film "Black humor"-from different perspectives, the town is staging an encounter and parting every day, and the destinies of different characters are intertwined because of "accident", after a brief gathering. It becomes a parallel line that will not intersect again.

The film "the Tales of Yongan Town" is divided into three chapters, namely "waiting alone", "looking beautiful" and "Pluto moment". It tells a series of stories that happened after the crew settled in an unknown town. a restaurant owner who wants to be a star, a female star who has nothing to adapt to when she returns home, a director and screenwriter caught up in conflicts and differences. Taking the town as the carrier, the film depicts the absurdity and banter in the process of film creation from different angles. All the actors sincerely interpret and integrate into this small town event, which alternates between reality and fantasy.

Everyone has fantasies about whether the bubble is punctured in pain or maintained in vagueness.

The tears on the car window vividly show the despair of the bursting of the fantasy bubble, in the predicament, because some people may hope to break through all the confines and try to find the true meaning of life, but when all the temptation and resistance are disintegrated by reality step by step, only to find that all may be flowers in the moon in the mirror, helplessness finally turned into this drop of tears with complex emotions. In the film, the window tears are talked about by many fans, and the shot in the end fits well with the character's state of mind, which makes people sympathize with it. It is reported that during the shooting, in order to achieve the desired "tears" effect in the actual shooting process, the scene continued to carry out shooting experiments, and after shooting more than 30 shots, the team finally had today's lens images, which shows that the team is striving for perfection in lens polishing.

In the film, the restaurant landlady (Huang Miyi) thinks that being a heroine is the exit of a boring life, and her care and ingratiation is unwilling to be suppressed in the town for a long time. The real actress Chen Chen (Yang Zishan is acted the role of) delusions to escape the hustle and bustle and loneliness of the big city to find the simplicity and beauty of the hometown in the depths of memory, only to find that time flows, everyone is running forward forever, and she goes back to the starting point. and no one will wait in place.

Three kinds of life, three different life experiences, respectively interpreted "can not get out", "can not come back", "can not be filmed". The hostess of the restaurant is numb for years, tired of being immutable and eager to find new passions in her life, so she regards the crew as a springboard for her new life, and the bubble of fantasy is woven colorful by her own desires. but when the real heroine Chen Chen arrived, the bubble had to be burst. And the life of the female star is not as glamorous as it seems on the surface. Chen Chen seems to have a sharp sword hanging over her head all the time. She always has doubts, worries about the star path, and worries about gains and losses. She wants to find the purest feelings in her memory, but she has become an exhibit to be viewed. Mixed with interests, the false and trustworthy snakes among her old classmates have deeply awakened her. It is a youth that can never go back. The film is about to start, and the directors and writers, who run on each other and cannot help it, are putting on a show of persistence and compromise with the capital. The three parts connect the behind-the-scenes preparations for the film, and everyone wants to live a "different life", but the film is not limited to finding the right answer, it is only responsible for showing what life looks like after each choice, as if life is a siege. People outside the city want to come in, people in the city want to go out.

The national roadshow is about to start the senior team to build ingenuity and pursue breakthroughs tirelessly.

The film's national roadshow is about to officially depart. From September 1, the film's creative team will meet with fans in 14 cities after 14 days. In Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Jinan, Beijing, Zhengzhou, Xi'an, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Changsha and other places, the leading actors will share their anecdotes and insights in front and behind the scenes. The director and screenwriter will tell the inspiration and source of the Yongan town story, and the audience will be able to fully perceive the complete process of a film.

The three-stage narrative structure of "the Tales of Yongan Town" is also refreshing, telling the story of the crew breaking into the town, breaking the original stillness and causing a series of ripples, and after the ripples, everything returns to the quiet story. describe the play in the play from three perspectives and stage an absurd, playful and humorous trip to the town.

"Yongan Tales" was shortlisted for the 53rd director biweekly unit of the 74th Cannes Film Festival, which was highly recognized by many audiences. Director Wei Shujun perfectly interprets the difficulty and height of art with a new film creation mode. he does not flatten the universal truth in the film, but wants to talk, and half covers his shy face with the pipa. In his film world, expression has never been blunt preaching and pretending to be esoteric and obscure. After years of creation, he is good at using relaxed and natural expressions to deduce unconventional movie games, and has achieved eye-catching results again and again with sincere creation again and again. Creation is not only a carnival of the collision of a group of ideas, but also a lonely worry of a person. from the beginning to the presentation of the film, the film has devoted many painstaking efforts, but now, the national road show of 14 days and 14 cities, outside the film, also hopes to bring different surprises to the audience.

The film "Tales of Yongan Town" is directed by Wei Shujun, written by Kang Chunlei and Wei Shujun, starring Yang Zishan, Huang Miyi, Liu Yang and Kang Chunlei, and young directors such as Liang Ming, Yang Jin, Yang Pingdao, Song Chuan, Zhai Yixiang, Geng Jun and Wu Zhongtian. Produced by Factory Gate Film (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Qingdao Zhongchuang Polymerization Film and Television Co., Ltd., Liyu Film (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Beijing Human Guide Film Co., Ltd. Jointly produced by Hexiang Film (Guangdong) Co., Ltd., Tianjin Lianrui Film Co., Ltd., Beijing Happiness Vision Culture Media Co., Ltd., Chinese Image (Beijing) Film Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Dangdang Film Co., Ltd., Shanghai Xingui Culture and Technology Co., Ltd., Zhijiang Film Media (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd., Human Guide (Shanghai) Film and Television Distribution Co., Ltd. The film will be released nationwide on September 8. I look forward to meeting you in "Yongan Town" in the cinema.

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