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Tan Jianci responded that his acting skills were criticized for being greasy: This is my problem, change!

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yZ6eR10Zlx08gielfkT6010412000wPL0E010.mp4 Recently, Tan Jianci responded to the live broadcast that the Xiangliu played the piano in "Sauvignon Blanc 2" was criticized by...


Recently, Tan Jianci responded to the live broadcast that the Xiangliu played the piano in "Sauvignon Blanc 2" was criticized by netizens for being greasy. He said that he saw the clip and felt that it was not interpreted well."This is my problem. There is nothing to escape. Change!" He also admitted that actors really want to perform every scene well. Any carelessness will affect everyone's perception, saying that no matter what remarks are made, as long as they are helpful, they will humbly accept them.

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