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Supermodel Sui Xiaowen is pregnant to make a fashion blockbuster husband Jin Dachuan boasts that "my life is so good"

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![20230913134003.png] (https://imgs.the9c.com/2023/0913/620ff0fe62ede6bd878a633e3423af85.png) On September 13, a group of blockbusters shot by supermodel Sui Xiaowen were exposed w...

![20230913134003.png] (https://imgs.the9c.com/2023/0913/620ff0fe62ede6bd878a633e3423af85.png)

On September 13, a group of blockbusters shot by supermodel Sui Xiaowen were exposed when her husband Jin Dachuan retweeted and wrote, "my two girls, give me a kiss on the left, give me a kiss on the right, give me a kiss on the left and kiss me on the right." Jin Dachuan's life is so good.

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