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The movie "Pan Cang" released a special "Youth Drama" special feature of "Youth Drama" and Chinese art meets young people and blooms with youth

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The movie "losing position" today released a special of "Youth Drama". The creators share the creative inspiration behind the scenes and their feelings about yo...

The movie "losing position" today released a special of "Youth Drama". The creators share the creative inspiration behind the scenes and their feelings about youth. Hualiu collides with youth and ignites teenagers' midsummer with traditional art. The film "overturning" is directed by Zhang Yudi, written by Huo Xueyi and Zhang Yudi, starring Bian Cheng and Zhou Meijun, starring Zhang Chi, Chen Shaoxi and Xu Shixin, starring Liu Jun and Song Xiaochuan Friendship. The film will be released nationwide on July 27.

Hualiu art meets the youthful vitality of youth and burst out the spark of love

"the voice change period is a crucial point in life for Peking Opera actors, and this node coincides with adolescence," says screenwriter and director Zhang Yudi in the special episode of "Youth Drama." share his thoughts on the combination of "losing positions" and "adolescence", which is the original inspiration for the film's "selling positions". "losing the position" is a word with a certain sense of pain in traditional opera, which determines the career of Peking Opera actors. For Sun Xiaolei (Bian Cheng is acted the role of) such a child who learns to play, the reversal of the position is like the choice of fate, while the adolescence accompanied by the reversal is more full of unknown and uncertainty. In the special, the actor who plays Sun Xiaolei shares that there are many "do what you want" in youth. Sun Xiaolei is afraid to eat salty or spicy cold because he is afraid of losing his position. His father's expectations are shrouded in his wanton adolescence. "do it if you want to" is Sun Xiaolei's inner desire. In the eyes of Shi Jiahui (Zhou Meijun), youth means freedom, fearlessness and a little trouble. The confusion about the definition of gender and the confusion of dreams are the difficulties she faces in adolescence. Compared with Sun Xiaolei and Shi Jiahui, Xie Tianzhi (Chen Shaoxi) is more rebellious in his youth. Before he has determined his love, he chooses to follow his heart and dare to pursue what he wants.

The "reverse position" binds the youth of the three teenagers together, they are both yearning and timid to grow up, they share common happiness and support each other in times of trouble. When the most exuberant vitality of adolescence collides with the classical art of Beijing Opera, the sparks will illuminate the path of youth for every teenager. Sun Xiaolei, Shi Jiahui and Xie Tianzhi, under the guidance of each other's company and Beijing Opera dream, broke through the rules and shackles of the adult world and ushered in a splendid life belonging to them.

**"reversing" about everyone's unbridled memory is the best youth.

It won the first prize of the 15th FIRST Youth Film Show in 2021 and was shortlisted in the 18th FIRST Youth Film Show main competition unit this year, which was recognized by the industry. The film also won the most popular film award at the 26th Shanghai Film Festival "Belt and Road Initiative Film week" this year, which shows its quality. The movie "reversing" depicts in detail the sensitive thoughts and subtle feelings of love in adolescence, and the concept of "reversing" materializes all kinds of anxieties and confusion in youth, so that audiences who are experiencing or have experienced youth resonate deeply. "the first fusion of opera elements and youth theme, complement each other, pain and joy, confusion and hope are just right to reconcile", "the whole film can feel the impact and vitality from youth, all of a sudden brought me to my youth. The awkward appearance of the teenager looks bitter, but it must be cool in retrospect. This is what a youth film should look like. "the story of reversing positions is related to every one of us who is experiencing or has experienced youth. Youth full of gates is not a single wooden bridge, but an overpass. No matter which crossing you turn from, you can see a good view." As screenwriter and director Zhang Yudi said, "reversing the position" wants to encourage those who are still in adolescence not to be afraid. Every step you take and every choice you make is right. Youth, whether right or wrong, living out every wanton and happy oneself is the best appearance of youth!

The film "losing position" is produced by Matt Film (Hubei) Co., Ltd., Hubei Changjiang Film Group Co., Ltd., Hubei Radio and Television Station, Yi Zhi Action Film (Hubei) Co., Ltd., Beijing Zhengqian Culture and Media Co., Ltd., Shanghai Leyin Xidong Music Co., Ltd., Beijing Chaofu Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Taige Film and Television Co., Ltd. It will be released nationwide on July 27th. Please look forward to it.

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