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"Falling Trial"Ultimate Premises Released Exploring the Truth of Marriage

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The falling trial, the 76th Golden Palme Best Picture in Cannes and the 96th Academy Award for Best original Screenplay, released the final notice today, the marriage broke up tit-...

The falling trial, the 76th Golden Palme Best Picture in Cannes and the 96th Academy Award for Best original Screenplay, released the final notice today, the marriage broke up tit-for-tat, and the truth of the court debate is confusing. So far, the film has achieved 280 + world-renowned professional awards and nominations, including Oscars and Golden Globes. With realistic and delicate techniques in-depth analysis of sexual relations, feminism and judicial justice and other topics, won the love of the majority of the audience. The freshness of rotten tomato is 96%, the popcorn index is 90%, and the Douban score is 8.5. Countless fans are eagerly looking forward to the release of the film, hoping to see it on the domestic big screen. The film has now been pre-sold, with advance screenings in 10 cities from March 23 to 24, and the national release on March 29 is in a hot pre-sale. Director Justine Trier will also come to China for the first time. Please look forward to it.

Marriage changes wear away mutual trust, estrangement between husband and wife eventually causes accidents to fall from a building

"I've given you so much that you owe me." In the final notice released, a middle-aged couple quarreled fiercely, with the husband angrily complaining that he was accommodating his wife all the time, while the wife was at a loss and did not know how to answer. "I don't care about the idea of marriage." It turned out that this was a piece of recorded evidence released by the court, recording the quarrel between the two men before her husband fell off the building; the wife was interrogated in court in an attempt to exonerate the suspicion of killing her husband. The prosecutor pressed step by step, the innocent son was implicated in the cruel case, all eyes were locked. In the face of great pressure, how will the wife prove her innocence, find herself in the sweet and bitter memories of marriage, and how will she defend her family and life?

the director will leave soon to say hello to the Chinese audience for TOP films to explore the truth of life.

On his first trip to China, director Justine Trier greets the Chinese audience in the video, saying that "this film deeply explores the tragedies of marriage and family, as well as the complexity of human nature." With the deepening of the investigation of the case, the complex puzzles of human nature are thought-provoking, and the intricate and intertwined feelings push the truth to a secret place. The audience was impressed by the superb narrative skills and the actor-level performance, and the strong sense of substitution and full line information led critics to regard the film as the "Best suspense / Marriage masterpiece of 2023" and "narratology textbook". Whether married or unmarried, no matter what role they play in the family, everyone can see their own shadow in the "trial of the fall", face the hidden pain, and gain the courage to move on.

The film "the trial of the fall" is the best film of the Palme d'Or, which has re-appeared on the mainland screen after six years. It is now on sale and is looking forward to meeting audiences and fans across the country. Spring is in full bloom, which will be shown in 10 cities on March 23-24 and will be released nationwide on March 29th. Come and enjoy this masterpiece on the big screen.

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