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The movie "the Tide of Wrath" released the character poster of "the beast still fighting". All the villains turned into the god of war in blood wrath.

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Pure domestic! The dark reality revenge action movie "the Tide of anger" today released the character poster of the "trapped Beast still fighting" version. All...

Pure domestic! The dark reality revenge action movie "the Tide of anger" today released the character poster of the "trapped Beast still fighting" version. All the four main characters in the film, Chen an, Malangwen, Ma Wenkang and Wu GE, appeared in the film, each of whom belonged to different camps with their own purposes. with sharp weapons in hand, the spirit of war is about to stage an audio-visual feast of multi-party melee. The film is directed, written and starred by Ma Yuko, starring Zhang Jiahui, Ruan Jingtian and Wang mainland, and starring Qin Pei, Chen Guokun, Lian Kai, Wu Qihua, Li Xiangxuan, Chen Xiaoyi and he Xinlin, and Jiang Haowen in friendship. The film will have its premiere in Beijing today and will be released nationwide from December 14 to 15 and will be released nationwide on December 16.

the war situation is filled with a haze of blood good or bad luck is hard to predict * the truth of all the war damage is confusing**

The release of the "trapped beast still fighting" version of the character poster, each character angry state of blood and sweat blend, exudes their gradually out of control of the crazy atmosphere. The hand-to-hand combat at the intersection of knives and fists and the blood spattering everywhere continue to impact the visual nerves of the audience. Whether it is Chen an, who has turned into a mysterious killer for revenge, or McLongwin, Ma Wenkang, and Wu GE who are waiting for the opportunity, everyone's face shows uncontrollable anger, suspicion and unease. The darkness of human nature is magnified infinitely in successive tragedies, everyone becomes a pawn in the mystery, and the individuals who are controlled by their fate struggle in the process of constantly searching for unknown answers. In this melee competition, how will Chen an seek justice? Who will be the final winner?

expose evil acts, face desires and fears, and interpret the complexity and multifaceted nature of human nature

The movie "the Tide of anger" faces the reality, exposes the overseas black crime industry chain, and pays attention to security issues. Chen an took revenge for her sister and stirred up various forces, making the fate of the characters and the trend of the story full of suspense. In the tense atmosphere of killing madness, the struggle full of planning and game is spread out in the pool of desire, fate tests everyone's beliefs and choices, and the thinking about human nature is explained in it. In the face of the confusing truth, are they friends or enemies? How did everyone break the game? The answer to the riddle will wait until the film is released and be revealed by the audience themselves.

Today, the premiere of "the rising of the Tide" will be held in Beijing. Director, screenwriter and star Ma Yuko will lead Zhang Jiahui, Ruan Jingtian and Wang Continental, and starring Chen Guokun, Lian Kai, Li Xiangxun and Chen Xiaoyi. They will communicate face-to-face with the audience, share the film expression, character understanding and behind-the-scenes stories, and count the upsurge of the movie "Rage Tide".

The film "angry tide" is produced by iqiyi Film (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Xiamen Hengye Film Co., Ltd., Tianjin Maoyan Weiying Culture Media Co., Ltd., Shanghai Maoyan Film Co., Ltd., Xiamen Hengye Shepherd Horse Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd. The movie "the Tide of anger" is on a hot pre-sale. The film will be released nationwide from December 14 to December 15 and officially released on December 16. Get rid of bad luck! Keep safe!

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