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90% of A-share game companies made profits in the first half of the year, and mobile business was valued

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49 A-share game companies made good profits in the first half of the year, and many screen interactions became a trend. With the release of financial reports of Listed Companies in the first half of this year, all A-share industries have comprehensively welcomed the opportunity to have a glimpse of performance and industry development.

Among the 49 A-share listed companies with game business, nearly 90% of the companies had net profits of different amounts in the first half of this year, and only 5 companies had performance losses in the first half of this year

original title: 49 A-share game companies made good profits in the first half of the year, and many screen interactions became a trend

as the financial reports of Listed Companies in the first half of this year were released one after another, A-share industries have comprehensively welcomed the opportunity to have a glimpse of performance and industry development

according to the data, among the 49 A-share listed companies with game business, nearly 90% of the companies had net profits of different amounts in the first half of this year, and only 5 companies had performance losses in the first half of this year. Under the positive trend of the overall performance of the industry, some enterprises have launched high transfer schemes. For example, century cruise announced that it plans to increase 20 shares per 10 shares; Tianrun digital entertainment plans to increase 30 shares for every 10 shares by all shareholders

however, from the year-on-year increase and decrease of gross profit margin and the comparison between gross profit margin and net profit margin, it can be seen that many companies with game business in the A-share market have high operating costs, which has damaged the net profit of enterprises. In addition, in order to expand their business, these enterprises unanimously chose to extend to the port businesses of the industrial chain, carry out "multi screen interaction", and enter the new technology field through investment, using their buyout funds, etc., such as VR and ar

the mobile game business flowing from games to small screens is valued < / strong >

on the whole, among the 49 listed companies, 36 companies have increased their net profits attributable to shareholders of listed companies to varying degrees year-on-year, and the net profits of the rest companies showed positive or loss in the first half of this year, but declined to varying degrees year-on-year

36 companies with year-on-year net profit growth, although most of them attributed the performance growth to the improvement of the industry and the expected business development, some companies' performance increased significantly year-on-year, because the reorganization was completed during the reporting period, such as century cruise, which completed the reorganization during the reporting period and became an enterprise focusing on Internet games and Internet community services

no matter how they enter the game field, from the explanation of these A-share listed companies in the first half of the year, we can see that there are some obvious changes in the game industry: mobility, intensified competition, multi screen interaction

century cruises said that since the second half of last year, the company began to transform and adjust its product structure, and began to implement the "Mobile Tourism" R & D strategy, and its operation mode began to change. It can be seen from the table of the company's main business composition that although the computer-based online games of century cruises were still the bulk of the operating revenue in the first half of this year, the operating revenue of mobile online games was gradually increasing. From the operating cost, it can also be seen that the cost of mobile online games decreased significantly compared with the same period last year, and the gross profit margin increased

God entertainment also has high hopes for the mobile game business. God entertainment said that in the first half of this year, under the leadership of the management team, the company continued to work intensively to comply with the development laws of the market and users. While maintaining the stable growth of endogenous online game research and development, distribution, platform and advertising business, it actively focused on the development strategy and accelerated the expansion of the company to the upstream and downstream fields of online games through investment, equity participation, mergers and acquisitions. At the same time, the company is stepping up its strategic layout in related fields such as mobile internet terminal, overseas Internet, film and television entertainment, so as to lay a solid foundation for the rapid growth of future performance

Tianshen Entertainment's emphasis on mobile terminals can also be seen from the detailed data of its main business. In the first half of this year, the company's web game revenue decreased by 44% year-on-year, while the mobile game revenue increased by 637.41%

enterprises that compete for high performance have "multi screen interaction" < / strong >

in addition to focusing on mobile business, it is also one of the commonalities of these enterprises to expand their own industrial chain as much as possible and implement the "multi screen development" strategy

Oriental Pearl TV Tower, which has previously completed the merger with blockbuster, said that by integrating the resources of Shanghai Media Group (SMG), relying on the integrated advantages of complete industrial chain layout and full license and full channel operation, it continued to strengthen the comprehensive competitiveness of content, expand the online and offline multi-channel layout, optimize the product user experience, and once again become one of the top 30 Chinese cultural enterprises. In the first half of the year, the company achieved an operating income of 9.511 billion yuan, an increase of 8.3% over the same period last year, excluding factors such as real estate sales and transfer, and consolidation of popular networks; The net profit attributable to the parent company was 1.279 billion yuan, an increase of 13.6% over the same period last year after excluding the above factors. In terms of content production and aggregation, thanks to the release of "Sherlock" and other films, the film business revenue increased significantly in the first half of the year, and in the second half of the year, film and television dramas such as "we were born in China", "21clara", "ocean of fire", "love around the corner", "Dating Love" and so on were successively launched to realize revenue recognition. In addition, the company gives full play to the advantages of the whole industry chain coverage, aggregates a large number of high-quality quality content, strengthens the linkage between film and television content production and game business around big IP, and actively promotes film and game linkage projects such as final fantasy 15

also offering "multi screen interaction" is the perfect world. The company believes that in the first half of the year, the domestic cultural industry policy environment has been continuously optimized, the concept of mass consumption has been upgraded, the industrial chain has been improved, and the optimization and integration role of the Internet in the allocation of production factors and resources has become increasingly prominent. The development model with IP as the main line and the concept of "Pan entertainment" as the guide has become the mainstream of the cultural industry

based on this, in terms of film and television business, perfect world continues to develop TV series business stably, vigorously develops film business, actively expands variety program business, timely develops artist brokerage, business implantation and other businesses, and gradually improves the company's industrial chain; In the field of capital operation, the company successfully injected the game assets of major shareholders into listed companies by issuing shares to purchase assets, forming the linkage advantage of "shadow travel"; At the same time, the company seized the market opportunity to expand its global film business by establishing a film and television investment fund and cooperating with Universal Pictures

< strong > the gross profit margin of 8 companies exceeds 50% and the net profit is less than 20% < / strong >

under various measures such as expanding business, mergers and acquisitions, and developing into the pan entertainment field, the operating costs of many companies have increased

according to the data, in the first half of this year, the gross profit margin of game business is still very considerable, more than 60% can be found everywhere. However, from the comparison of gross profit margin and net profit margin, it can be seen that the operating costs of some companies are very high

data shows that at present, there are 25 companies with gross profit margin of more than 50%, but among these 25 companies, 8 companies have net profit margin of less than 20%, and the least one has net profit margin of only 4%

however, these enterprises with low net profit margin also have their own "difficulties"

in the first half of this year's financial report of zhongqingbao, it is mentioned that the company is currently in the period of new and old alternating, and the company's new games are in the early stage of development and promotion. In the first half of this year, no large-scale promotion activities have been carried out, and no benefits have been generated. In addition, in 2016, zhongqingbao officially launched the strategic upgrading from games to pan entertainment platform, and the company adheres to the goal of improving the profitability of various businesses. The company will optimize and improve its business, build an enterprise ecosystem through multi-point layout, and finally achieve important strategic transformation and upgrading to maximize the interests of shareholders. During the reporting period, the company achieved an operating income of 118.7931 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 23.10%; The total profit was 6.6189 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 9.59%; The net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company was 4.1446 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 68.72%

although the gross profit margin of the game products of Tianrun digital entertainment is as high as 97.85%, this year is the first year of the company's industrial transformation. During the reporting period, the company's non-public offering of shares to purchase assets was officially approved by the CSRC, and the company purchased 100% equity of Shanghai dianle Information Technology Co., Ltd. and officially handled the transfer procedures in April 2016. Shanghai dianle Information Technology Co., Ltd. has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tianrun digital entertainment, The company has officially transformed into the R & D and operation business industry of mobile online games, and the industrial transformation of the company has been successful. However, during the reporting period, in addition to the game business, the company still consolidated the performance of the leasing service industry

editor: Nancy

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