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The Ghostbusters: frozen Empire released posters for a gathering of new and old Cass.

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![Ghostbusters: frozen Empire] (https://k.sinaimg.cn/n/ent/113/w690h1023/20231228/cb01-55a641adc4947ab078c4ea45be1cfc22.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg?by=cms_fixed_width) Ghostbusters: froze...

![Ghostbusters: frozen Empire] (https://k.sinaimg.cn/n/ent/113/w690h1023/20231228/cb01-55a641adc4947ab078c4ea45be1cfc22.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg?by=cms_fixed_width)

Ghostbusters: frozen Empire

Beijing time, December 28 news, according to foreign media reports, "Ghostbusters: frozen Empire" released posters, the whole city suddenly frozen in the hot summer, frozen ghosts attacked, and released in North America on March 29 next year.

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