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"Under the Daylight" screening opens to expose character posters born in the sun, the truth about the sexual assault and abuse of vulnerable groups is about to emerge

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"under the Day", produced by er Dongsheng, directed by Jian Junjin, starring Jiang David, Yu Xiangning and Lin Baoyi, starring Liang Zhongheng, Chen Zhanwen, Zhou Hanning...

"under the Day", produced by er Dongsheng, directed by Jian Junjin, starring Jiang David, Yu Xiangning and Lin Baoyi, starring Liang Zhongheng, Chen Zhanwen, Zhou Hanning, Liang Yongting, Gong Cien, Bao Liru, Zhu Baiqian, Zhu Baikang and Xu Yuexiang, will be released across the country on April 12. In the poster, the images of Tong Bo (Jiang David), Xiaoling (Liang Yongting) and Ming Zai (Zhou Hanning) are all fragmented, but they look into the distance with longing, and the information and pain of each character are hidden under the fragments, waiting for the audience to discover more secret truths. The first round of screenings will be held in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Foshan, Huizhou, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Jiangmen and Dongguan respectively; the second round of screenings will be held in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Foshan, Huizhou, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, Dongguan, Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo and Beijing on March 30 and 31.

Since the release of "under the Day", the expectations of fans and audiences for the release of the film are rising day by day. At the same time, the film continued to shine at major film festivals. On March 15, Yu Xiangning won the Best Actress Award at the Hong Kong Film Directors Association Awards, which was praised by netizens as the "weather vane of the Academy Awards." previously, at the 17th Asian Film Awards, Liang Yongting won the award of best supporting actress for her subversive performance of sexual assault victims.

*born to the sun in the dark A broken life needs to be seen again**

The movie "under the Day" reveals a dark truth hidden under a disabled institution from the perspective of journalist Ling Xiaoqi. The Rainbow Home, a home for the disabled, was supposed to provide care and shelter for people with disabilities and the elderly, but it was reported that they had abused their residents. Ling Xiaoqi sneaked into the institution alone, trying to find out the evidence of inhumane life suffered by the residents, but encountered pressure from all walks of life in the process. Whether to choose to go their own way to uncover the truth, or to remain silent and maintain the status quo, it is not only Ling Xiaoqi who is caught in a dilemma, but also a question worth thinking about.

The poster of the role "born in the Sun" exposed today reveals the background of more Tong Po, Hsiao Ling and Ming Tsai living in residential care homes with disabilities. Posters are full of collage elements, in which each character is either blinded by a piece of paper or torn apart, implying that each of them lives in a broken reality, but is eager to make his own voice. The image of Tong Bo was "torn" in half and maintained a fragile connection with duct tape, revealing the "forgetfulness" of Tong Bo's character and experiencing the plight of increasingly blurred and vanished memories. Xiaoling's loss of head and covered eyes implied her intellectual defect, and the resulting inability to distinguish between good and evil, unable to resist evil, but she looked up at the blue sky and lived an optimistic life. Ming Tsai's missing mouth also revealed that the character was autistic and could not communicate with the outside world normally, but he was also yearning for love and companionship with ordinary people, so he depended on Xiaoling in the disabled home.


*the film festival continues to shine actors contribute highlights**

Liang Yongting, who plays Huang Xiaoling, won the best supporting actress at the 17th Asian Film Awards. In the film, she plays a mentally retarded resident who has been sexually assaulted. The complexity of her role determines the difficulty of her interpretation, how to grasp the behavioral characteristics and state of mind of mentally retarded patients, and how to perform helplessness that is eager to express but difficult to express after suffering, which is no small challenge for any actress, but she still contributes a subversive performance. The recognition of the award also shows everyone's recognition of her acting skills and this role. Previously, Yu Xiangning, who played journalist Liang Xiaoqi at the 30th Hong Kong Film critics Association Awards and the 2024 Hong Kong Film Directors Association Award of the year, won the award for best actress. She appropriately grasped the anger from the public, helplessness at work and cynicism from the outside world borne by a lone journalist. "her demeanor is consistent, Xu Ji is responsible, and her eyes and posture are firm and confident. Especially in the face of the feelings of alienation or compassion between her biological mother and fake grandfather, she deduces a complex level, with the same emphasis on firmness and softness rarely seen by contemporary actors.

With less than a month to go before the release of "under the Day," the film, based on real events, rarely focuses on homes with disabilities, a place that is supposed to exist but pays little attention to. Whether from the perspective of content or from the narrative point of view carried out by journalists, we all peep into the appalling experiences of this group of vulnerable groups forgotten by society and their families, and can not help but reflect on today's apathy in today's society. Whether we also ignore our families and whether we are habitually indifferent in the face of crime. What's the point of revealing the truth? Maybe one day, when we are stuck in it, someone can bring light to ourselves who cannot speak. "if anyone remembers, two days will be fine." even if the road to revealing the truth is full of ups and downs, as long as we move on firmly, one day we will let the sun fall on this dark place.

"under the Day" is supervised and produced by er Dongsheng, starring Jiang David, Yu Xiangning and Lin Baoyi, and starring Liang Zhongheng, Chen Zhanwen, Zhou Hanning, Liang Yongting, Gong Cien, Bao Liru, Zhu Baiqian, Zhu Baikang and Xu Yuexiang. On April 12, we went to the cinema together to uncover the truth of evil.

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