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The classic horror movie continues "chainsaw 11"

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![Saw](k.sinaimg.cn/n/ent/348/w690h458/20231228/3622-ca79c2c99212100c276e350c6610a6f3.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg? by=cms_fixed_width) Saw. Beijing time on December 28 news, according to...

![Saw](k.sinaimg.cn/n/ent/348/w690h458/20231228/3622-ca79c2c99212100c276e350c6610a6f3.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg? by=cms_fixed_width)


Beijing time on December 28 news, according to foreign media reports, horror film "saw" series on the new,"saw 11" announced the final file September 27,2024 North American release,"game continues."

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