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Jack Gyllenhaal shows off his abs as a poster released by "Veyron Killing"

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!["Weilong Killing Array"](k.sinaimg.cn/n/ent/752/w690h862/20240125/db44-35a36f4aa1e7393a1714c7b3fbdb0485.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg? by=cms_fixed_width) "Weilong Killing...

!["Weilong Killing Array"](k.sinaimg.cn/n/ent/752/w690h862/20240125/db44-35a36f4aa1e7393a1714c7b3fbdb0485.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg? by=cms_fixed_width)

"Weilong Killing Array"

According to foreign media reports, the relaunch version of the action thriller "The Battle of Veyron" starring Jack Gyllenhaal and directed by Doug Rieman released a poster and went online on Amazon on March 21.

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