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Dune 2 is the longest work directed by Villenueva for nearly three hours.

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"Dune 2"

Jiuzhi.com Movie News, Beijing time, December 28, according to foreign media reports, the sci-fi film "Sand Dunes 2" lasts 2 hours, 46 minutes / 166 minutes, which is the longest film directed by Dennis Villeneueva. However, he has a lot of "feature films", "Blade Runner 2049" 2 hours 44 minutes, "Dune 1" 2 hours 35 minutes.

Timothy Charamay, Zandaya and Rebecca Ferguson continue to star, Florence Pew as Princess Elrond, Austin Butler as Feder Rosa, Raya Seedu as Madame Margo, and Christopher Walken as Padisha Emperor Saddam IV. Dennis Villenueva returns as director and screenwriter, and Hans Zimmer returns to the soundtrack, which opens in North America on March 1 next year.

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