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Yutoda's mother, Keiko Fujiko, fell to her death and may have committed suicide.

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the mother of Hiroshi Udo, a famous Japanese singer according to Japanese media reports, Fujiko Fujiko, the mother of famous Japanese singer Hiroshi Udoda, fell to her death...

the mother of Hiroshi Udo, a famous Japanese singer

according to Japanese media reports, Fujiko Fujiko, the mother of famous Japanese singer Hiroshi Udoda, fell to her death today. The cause of death may have been suicide.

around 7: 00 a.m. on August 22 today, the mother of singer Udo Takayama, Keiko Fujiko, was found lying on the road near an apartment building in Tokyo's Shinjuku district. Her cardiopulmonary function had stopped and she was certified dead after being taken to hospital. At present, the Shinjuku police are investigating and believe that it is very likely that they committed suicide by jumping from a building.

it is reported that the scene of the incident was a 28-story apartment. According to a staff member of the management company, Fujimiko fell to the ground and bled from her head and was called by pedestrians to inform the police. Fujiko Fujiko is a singer who gave birth to her daughter Tomoshi Udoda with music producer Tomoshi Udoda.

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