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Humanity Arena "Crazy Criticize Beauty" Facing Humanity "Facing Humanity""Mother's Intuition" is thrilling and released

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The suspense film "Mother's intuition", produced by Anton Company of Luxembourg, imported by China Film Group and issued and translated by China Film Co., Ltd., was offic...

The suspense film "Mother's intuition", produced by Anton Company of Luxembourg, imported by China Film Group and issued and translated by China Film Co., Ltd., was officially released nationwide today. The film is directed by Bannott de Holm and starred by Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastan Oscar.

Mother's intuition was shown in some overseas countries earlier, and advanced cinemas were held in many cities in China, which received high-quality comments from the media and audiences. Overseas media praised the film as "depicting an exciting and gripping portrait of psychological intrigue". In the post-screening interview, the Chinese local audience said that the immersion experienced a thrilling human duel. Some viewers said bluntly that the psychological secret battle, which was presented by two Oscar-rated film queens, was gripping, and the ending of the two actresses was even more unexpected, full of stamina, and made the audience memorable.

the drama after the Oscar double Film is extremely crazy "the Evil Girl" shows the dark side of human nature incisively and vividly**

The movie "Mother's intuition" is set in the early 1960s. Celine (Anne Hathaway) and Alice (Jessica Chastain) are good neighbors. They live a good life and have a happy family. The children of the same age make them best friends who talk about everything. However, with the accidental death of Celine's son, the perfect life was shattered, the harmonious relationship was broken, guilt, suspicion and paranoia gradually distorted the instincts of the two women as mothers, and the extreme darkness and madness of human nature surfaced. A life-and-death, thrilling psychological war has officially begun.

The two Oscar-rated actresses Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain not only showed an unforgettable face on the big screen, but also contributed amazing acting skills and sparkles in the film. the hand-to-hand play is a very pleasant and shocking experience. "with every move, there is a play between the eyes and hair, raising the texture of the film to a new level." From the gentle and beautiful in the early stage to the crazy criticism in the later stage, with the open and secret struggle of maternal intuition, they staged a fierce confrontation again and again, which led to the continuous swing of the audience's position in the process of watching the film. The ending of the film shocked the audience. "Mad Mom" Anne Hathaway was crazy on the surface but thought carefully and acted decisively. Jessica Chastain, the "neurotic mother", also handled the cautious details step by step. The audience could not help feeling that "the beauty and acting skills of the two movie queens made people unconsciously attracted, and saw the hypocritical human nature and the desire from the bottom of their hearts from the characters."

*Hitchcock suspense masterpiece praised by word of mouth second brush may be able to see through a deeper thriller**

Mother's intuition has won high praise from overseas media for a love letter to Hitchcock's classic thriller, which relies on lingering eye play and mother's anxiety about her children to peep into deeper fears behind everyday life. After the advance cinema was held in Beijing, domestic fans also praised "the exploration of human nature makes people think deeply and frightening", "I haven't seen such a psychological suspense film with a strong sense of pressure for a long time," and "suspense is very enjoyable in the end." there are many fans who marvel at the film's "too big ending scale", "unexpected and memorable", and "Erbao should be able to see through more details."

In the post-screening exchange at the leading cinema in Beijing, well-known host Chen Luyu also mentioned, "although the collapse of this perfect housewife's life is caused by the death of the child, many details show that the collapse will happen sooner or later." the breath of repression has long been hidden in the perfect life. " The close girlfriends have different personalities, different origins, the two couples' completely different attitudes towards their careers and families, and the hidden indifference and neglect between seemingly loving couples. Everywhere hides the surging undercurrent under the pastoral life of the American middle class, and also indicates that even the slightest crack will make the so-called perfect collapse, which can not help but make the audience think about this problem. Who dragged them into the abyss of eternity?

The film "Mother's intuition" was produced by Anton in Luxembourg, imported by China Film Group, issued and translated by China Film Co., Ltd., directed by Bennet de Holm. Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Josie Charles, Caroline Lagerfeld and other co-stars. Is there a winner in the human arena? It is frightening step by step to criticize the beauty to set up a game. The suspense masterpiece Mother's intuition is about to bring both visual and psychological impact to the audience! Now that the film has been shown all over the country, let's go into the cinema and solve the final mystery!

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