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The ratings of "Stalker" exceeded 2.4%. Huang Xiaoming and Jiang Xin cried tears to pay tribute to the unsung heroes.

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Produced by CCTV, Tencent Video, Xinli TV, screenwriter Yu Feiren, directed by Gao Han, starring Huang Xiaoming, Jiang Xin, Wu Xiaoliang, Wan Qian, Wang Zhifei, Li Niante, Feng Hui...

Produced by CCTV, Tencent Video, Xinli TV, screenwriter Yu Feiren, directed by Gao Han, starring Huang Xiaoming, Jiang Xin, Wu Xiaoliang, Wan Qian, Wang Zhifei, Li Niante, Feng Hui starring in the TV series "the Stalker", the TV series "Stealth" starred in CCTV-8 yesterday, and Tencent Video members have successfully concluded a few days ago.

The play revolves around Communist Party member Fang Jiashu (Huang Xiaoming) lurking in Wang Puppet Secret Service headquarters No. 76 with a triple identity, and in a series of dangerous latent operations, the audience witnessed Fang Jiashu, Tao Yuling (Jiang Xin) and other workers on the hidden front of our party, experienced exposed crisis, peer sacrifice, the contest of wisdom and courage, and were more moved by their unswerving revolutionary beliefs in the face of life and death, honor and disgrace. During the broadcast, the ratings data continued to lead, the peak ratings of Kuyun Live exceeded 2.4%, multi-dimensional topics were discussed throughout the network, and a number of mainstream media posted comments. China Daily praised the show as "the audience has a high sense of substitution, immersive experience of the 'underground workers' in the dark, the heart to a bright life."

Mount Tai collapses in front and looks back to pay tribute to every stalker

In the finale, Fang Jiashu not only uprooted No. 76 traitor Li Lixing (Feng Hui) with the help of Juntong, but also successfully completed the task of confusing his line of sight by sending fake northeast oil field distribution data to the Japanese. However, Lao Zhao (Wang Zhifei)'s heroic sacrifice makes people strangle their wrists. Fang Jiashu calms down as soon as possible and comforts Tao Yuling and her daughter with "the landslide lies in front without blinking an eye, and the water depends on the back instead of moving." this is not a true portrayal of them along the way.

Looking back on the beginning of the story, under the high-pressure environment of three days and three nights of torture and interrogation, Fang Jiashu still tried his best to fight for a glimmer of life for Comrade Li Zhengxun (Li Jian) and completed the transfer of intelligence, smoothly protecting our party's important intelligence and radio stations, and hiding his identity in the repeated temptations of Li Lixing and others. When Comrade Haichao (Shen Xiaohai) was arrested and sacrificed, the identity of his companion once again became Fang Jiashu's strategy to test Fang Jiashu's heart. Fang Jiashu responded calmly on the surface and dared to show his grief when he returned home, so that the audience saw his emotional and fragile side for the first time. Huang Xiaoming's highly infectious crying acting skills have also been well received. As the plot draws to a close and Lao Zhao falls into crisis, Fang Jiashu prefers to rescue comrades with the danger of being shot on his own initiative in exchange for the trust of the enemy, but still falls short of success because of the cunning Ye Xingcheng (Wu Xiaoliang). Fang Jiashu and Tao Yuling, who learned the news of Zhao's death, hugged each other on their knees in the hospital but dared not cry bitterly, which triggered topics such as # Fang Jiashu and Tao Yuling crying bitterly # and # Huang Xiaoming Jiang Xinyi crying in the end # and other topics throughout the network.

The road of revolution is inevitably accompanied by sacrifice, and the audience witnessed Fang Jiashu again and again rely on his tenacity and wisdom to mediate between multiple camps and complete the task of the organization; also accompanied by Tao Yuling from a rough and thin latent novice to increasingly capable and stable, becoming a mature partner of Fang Jiashu who dared to deliver his back. At the end of the story, Fang Jiashu will continue to sneak the road, bearing in mind the oath of "strictly keeping secrets, obeying discipline, sacrificing individuals, working hard to revolution, and never betraying the party," waiting for the arrival of the next task. Tao Yuling applied to the organization to take over the job of Lao Zhao. Resolutely and fearlessly meet the greater risks in the future.

ratings lead the way to ignite the summer torch of belief and innovative exploration of the theme of likes by mainstream media

Behind the reluctance to give up and empathy is the achievement and recognition gained by the "stalker" all the way. After the show started, the popularity of the network continued to soar, becoming the fastest espionage drama with a heat value of 26000 in Tencent Video's station in 2023, and broke the history of the opening of auroral TV espionage series, creating a new high for espionage dramas. The audience data also take the lead, with Kuyun LVB with a peak audience rating of 2.4458%, a single episode with a maximum audience rating of 1.63%, a single episode with a maximum audience share of 7.60% and a single-day viewing share of 7.60% CVB prime-time TV series (as of August 12). The highest ratings are 2.145% and 8.904% respectively. Kuyun prime-time TV series average ratings, Huan.com all channels live online rate, during the broadcast period are firmly in the first place. The popularity of the whole network continues to rise, and the popularity of TV series by the whole people is dominating the screen, with a total of 700 hits on the whole platform; Cat's Eye TV series popularity list, Gudo TV series popularity index, Kuyun TV series webcast popularity list, Lighthouse TV series playing market share, VLinkage TV series playback index and other lists topped the list.

The stalker also received comments from more than a dozen mainstream media, including People's Daily client, Guangming Daily, China Youth Daily, Wen Wei Po, Xinhuanet, Zhonggong net, Beijing Daily, Learning Power, and so on. In the summer vacation when there are many dramas, the Stalker can win the support and love of the audience, in addition to the ups and downs of stories and the vivid interpretation of a large number of powerful actors, it also depends on excellent behind-the-scenes production and novel expressions of theme types. When it comes to the styling setting with a full sense of restoration of the times, as small as the retro advertisements in the streets and the fine stitches on the old clothes, the reality of the environment and characters provides a better immersion experience for the audience. as Guangming Network-Literary Review Channel commented: "give the youth of the new era a new belief with the starting point of tension, vivid figures, and perspective of life." And this sense of immersion is more groundbreaking into the narrative of genre dramas, from the perspective of the camouflage life of Fang Jiashu and Tao Yuling's "Family of four", which makes the daily life of ordinary and beautiful people form a sharper contrast with the latent task of treading on thin ice. Guangming Daily said that "the stalker is exploring new breakthroughs in espionage drama in narrative and expression."

The slogan "cuckoo crying and drinking ice sneaking" and the weight of the word "stalker" have made more and more audiences have a deep understanding with the end of the show. People's Daily's client commented on the "stalker": "it expresses that it is difficult for patriots to dispel their tragic feelings and arouse the awakening of the nation with the wailing of 'cuckoo crying'." It is those revolutionary martyrs who once gave their lives and selflessness that enabled the Chinese nation to usher in a vibrant tomorrow. With the story of the protagonist in the play, the Stalker celebrates the selfless dedication of the heroes on the hidden front. I hope that every audience can cherish the hard-won happy life more for this.

The TV series "stalker" has officially ended in CCTV-8 and Tencent Video members. Tencent Video's non-members update one episode at 19:30 every day.

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